Players - This Is A Must Watch/Read
See How You Get Ripped Off

News Story As It Appeared On


Posted May 6, 2009

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Watch These Videos - All Segments - It Aired May 3, 2009 on Dateline

Dateline's How Lucky Can You Get

Editorial by Dawn Nettles - Also, I need a Favor ...

Dateline did a terrific story - one that EVERY lottery player should watch in its entirety. We owe them
for exposing this very real problem that I've been trying to fix here in Texas for years.

After you've watch ALL these segments (and read), ask yourself these questions ...

WHY did the ticket-checker refer the player to the store clerk when it was an amount that couldn't be paid
by the store? The CA Lottery shares in the blame for the player getting screwed.

WHY did the New York Lottery respond in the matter that they did? How can anyone trust the NY Lottery after seeing what they did?

WHY do the states continue to let store clerks check players tickets? All the legislature has to do is put a stop to it - by writing a LAW.

WHY do Texas "ticket-checkers" say a ticket is a winner when the ticket has already been cashed in?

Are lotteries continuing to allow clerks to check tickets because the retailers are sooooo unhappy with
their commission structure that IF the store sees an opportunity to make a little extra money by keeping
players money - then so be it? After all, the player doesn't know he won!

Personally, I feel that players should check their own tickets and if they don't, then
the winnings rightfully belong to state - unclaimed prize fund. But this is the ONLY way that the state
or anyone else should get the players winnings. Unfortunately, the terminals err too when scanning tickets
so NO ONE but the state gets the winnings. This is because the store clerks are too lazy to check those tickets too!

Now I need a favor IF anyone has the equipment they could loan me ... Besides hearing from many of you
about the locations in Texas that you feel are dishonest, I have identified locations that I firmly believe
are dishonest too. I need a small camera & recorder that I or someone could hide to catch these store clerks.
This is the only way that I can expose it. I'm certain that I can share my findings - video's and recordings -
with a media that will air it. But I need the proper equipment. So, if anyone has it and is willing to loan it to me,
please send me an email and give me your name & phone number so that I can call you.

It is my opinion that the Texas Lottery does not want to catch clerks who steal and IF they do or have,
they won't admit it. This is one of those "many" hush-hush issues - they'd prefer to say that
they check and haven't caught anyone even though we ALL know this happens daily.

Datelines - How Lucky Can You Get

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Dawn Nettles
P. O. Box 495033
Garland, Texas 75049-5033
(972) 686-0660
(972) 681-1048 (Fax)